This series has highlighted how digital transformation is changing how people work, and how it can boost the profits of your law firm in a variety of ways. By increasing the speed and efficiency of communications and digital onboarding, client-lawyer relationships can be more productive and more fulfilling. Instant messaging offers enhanced security and privacy to both clients and lawyers by removing the costs of securing traditional communication channels. This digital transformation also gives more control and scope for collaboration between lawyers and clients, all while streamlining the relationships and fostering strong and profitable bonds. This is the recipe for a growing and successful law firm in the digital world.


Together, this delivers what clients and lawyers need in the modern workplace, whether in the office or at home. Improving client service means clients will remain loyal and return time and time again. With everyone happier, firms are also likely to keep their talented staff long term too. Considering that instant messaging also cuts costs, the case for moving to digital communication is solid.


We built The Link App with all this in mind. The digital platform offers a way for lawyers and clients to interact in a secure and convenient way with digital onboarding. Our Omni-Channel Communication even lets you reach your client across any matter type, wherever suits them best, and the whole platform is available fully branded as your firm.


For clients, The Link App is a simple, easy-to-use mobile app. The number of people using apps for communication is expected to rise to 3 billion in 2022, which makes it more important than ever for firms to ensure they're available to the future client base.1


Other instant messaging apps are useful as they provide data insights into how people communicate in the modern world. However, everyday chat apps are non-professional and pose an important risk to client data. The Link App is instead designed especially for professional services, with the security expected of UK banks. We're funded by subscription or pay-as-you-go, not by the amount of data we can scrape off you. Firms using the app’s client communication software keep full control of the data on the platform, so you can enjoy all the benefits of digital communication through The Link App without the risks that existing platforms bring. We're regularly introducing new features—such as Digital ID Verification, E-Sign and Smart Forms—which will add further value to your client’s experience.


We aim to make life easier for lawyers as well as their clients. Automated reminders do all the chasing for you, and you can set any custom Task for your clients to complete. We know that getting buy-in from your team can be an issue with new software, which is why The Link App integrates with the leading Case Management Systems that law firms use already, so your team doesn't have to do anything differently.


We're always striving to give you and your client the best experience possible. By investing in this goal too, your firm will experience the much-sought-after lift in profits that is increasingly difficult to achieve in the compressed legal market.


We hope that you have enjoyed the Digital Transformation blog series! Keep an eye out for more series to come in the future. In the meantime, if you would like to know more about The Link App and what it can offer your firm, please feel free to reach out to a member of our team.


Book a short demo to see why 75% of lawyers who do begin transforming their firm using our product within 30 days. Find out how you can easily make steps towards a digital offering at your firm today.


Other blogs in this series:

Speed and Profit

The Risks of Email

Privacy, Security, and Convenience

Are You A Control Freak?

The Secret to Work Efficiency? Instant Messaging

How Can You Attract More Clients and Keep Them?

How Can You Stay on Top of Client Communication?

How Does Better Collaboration Affect Your Bottom Line?

What's The Easiest Way to Cut Costs?



Originally published 03 / Sep / 2021