Every time we introduce our product to a client, new member of the team, fellow tech start-ups, or even just our friends and family we get a lot of feedback. Lawyers are our target clients and seem to understand best what The Link App is all about. Thus their professional opinion is vital to us and the content of this blog is to share with you what they say about us.


The most important aspect of The Link App is Communication.


“From the firm’s point of view, irregular contact can be distracting and time consuming and queries and questions usually could have been dealt with good signposting earlier in the process. Finding a balance is key to ensure first class customer service. Most customer complaints are down to a lack of communication.” “It [The Link App] is easily digestible by the client avoiding the problem of speaking in a language clients often do not understand” “The information will be readily accessible by the client” “It will be easier to get hold of the client if they are needed to give instructions.” “It should lead to a significant improvement in the relationship with the client.” “The Link App allows fee earners to keep clients updated with a few clicks of a buttons, straight to their smartphone – saving valuable time for solicitors, which of course can lead to better billables.”


Customer Service is also very important. 


“From a client perspective it can be infuriating not to be able to contact their solicitor easily and perhaps with the fear of the meter ticking away in the background once they do.” “The clients often do not know all the work carried out on their behalf behind the scenes. If they are kept up to date by The Link App they will have a better appreciation and are more likely to accept the fee they are charged as fair.” “It should lead to a significant improvement in the relationship with the client” “The Link App will also create a good impression. It is modern and fits in with the way people communicate. That is not something that can be said about many lawyers.”


Productivity is vital to law firms. 


“For solicitors in our firm, time management is one of the biggest issues they have to deal with. Our Family, Residential Property and Private Client teams often have to deal with phone calls and emails coming in from clients constantly, interrupting their work flow and reducing their efficiency – leading to a loss of billable hours as a consequence.” “Providing a history of all past communications on the device as well, will allow the users to see when information is due and what was submitted, which will hopefully lead to fewer wasted phone calls to fee earners.” “The other main advantage I see is that the Link App is very simple to use. No matter how good a system is in my experience its use is linked more to the ease of use than its value. I suspect fee earners will like the App because there is little to do to achieve the desired end.” “It’s a smart solution to a time management problem and I like that it’s simple enough that a trained PA or trainee could take charge of it, freeing up the partner’s time.”


Finally, innovation is important in any start-up. “I think it’s an exciting prospect and has the potential to create change in the legal industry”. “I can see The Link App being something that all clients expect in the coming years, and something that I would use as a deciding factor when selecting a law firm.” “Obviously apps are all the rage at the moment and there is clearly a social progression towards mobile technology that the professions are probably going to have no choice but to accommodate.” As you can see, the feedback received from law firms is overwhelmingly positive and encourages us tremendously, proving that we are on the right path to make a real difference to law firms and their clients. If you are law firm interested in using The Link App, why not sign up for a free trial today by clicking the contact us page of our website. By Josephine von Schorlemer

Originally published 12 / Oct / 2015